Ego Hotel ti dà il benvenuto!
Ego Hotel Welcomes You!
Ego Hotel Welcomes You!
Il tuo soggiorno è appena iniziato, assicurati di avere tutte le informazioni necessarie per vivere un’esperienza senza imprevisti, senza pensieri. Di seguito trovi le informazioni specifiche per ogni camera,, i servizi specifici della SPA, del Groovy Restaurant e del Groovy Bar. Infine, puoi consultare la normativa completa adottata dal nostro Hotel per rispettare le regole igienico-sanitarie anti Covid.
Your stay has only just begun, make sure you have all the information you need to enjoy a hassle-free, worry-free experience. You will find specific information for each room below, the specific services of the SPA, the Groovy Restaurant and the Groovy Bar. Finally, you can check the complete regulations adopted by our hotel to comply with the anti-Covid hygiene rules.
Your stay has only just begun, make sure you have all the information you need to enjoy a hassle-free, worry-free experience. You will find specific information for each room below, the specific services of the SPA, the Groovy Restaurant and the Groovy Bar. Finally, you can check the complete regulations adopted by our hotel to comply with the anti-Covid hygiene rules.
Tradizione, manualità e creatività: scopri il menu à la carte con le proposte dello chef, per assaporare le Marche con gli abbinamenti di cocktail e vini della Regione.
Tradition, craftsmanship and creativity: discover the à la carte menu with the chef's proposals, to experience the Marche region with the matching cocktails and wines of the region.
Tradition, craftsmanship and creativity: discover the à la carte menu with the chef's proposals, to experience the Marche region with the matching cocktails and wines of the region.
Ego MyWellness
Spirito e corpo, scegli tu da dove iniziare il tuo percorso di bellezza nella nostra SPA: scopri qui i trattamenti, gli orari e le norme igieniche previste.
Body and soul, you choose where to start your beauty journey in our SPA: discover here the treatments, times and hygiene regulations.
Body and soul, you choose where to start your beauty journey in our SPA: discover here the treatments, times and hygiene regulations.
Privacy & GDPR
Ci prendiamo cura anche della tua privacy: scopri come e le informative attraverso il link alla GDPR e alla privacy policy.
We also take care of your privacy: find out how and the information through the link to the GDPR and privacy policy.
E per quando tornerai...
And for when you return...
… con il tuo aiuto sapremo già cosa migliorare! Prenditi qualche minuto per raccontarci il tuo soggiorno EGO: ogni parola è importante per aggiornare la nostra accoglienza e sorprenderti per la seconda volta.
… with your help we will already know what to improve! Take a few minutes to tell us about your EGO stay: every word is important to update our welcome and surprise you for the second time.
… with your help we will already know what to improve! Take a few minutes to tell us about your EGO stay: every word is important to update our welcome and surprise you for the second time.